Monday, November 10, 2008

Our Temple Tree

On Saturday we had a special experience at the Mesa Temple. Each primary in our Stake was given the chance to earn money to buy a tree and plant in on the temple grounds. The kids earned money by doing extra jobs and turned it in at church. Our ward's tree is right in front of the temple president's house. This is the before shot.
Nicole and Haylie trying to stay warm. We were there early in the morning and it was chilly.

Bishop Hamblin trying to break up all the roots. Our spot was full of rocks and big roots from a huge tree nearby. There was a lot of symbolism in this activity. It was neat for the parents to watch as well as the kids.

Nicole waiting for her turn to dig.

Maddie hanging out on Daddy.
Maddie was a grumpy girl, but I do love this picture. And I do love him!
Nicoles turn to dig.

Joey getting into it.
Katie with a little help from Bishop.
This is the after picture.
Our tree took a little bit longer to plant than other wards. But each group was faced with a different challenge. We had the roots from another tree, one ward hit a pipe. Some wards had bigger trees to plant and needed a bigger hole dug. But in a little while the temple had 11 new trees to help beautify the grounds.
The primary in front of "our" tree.

I think it would be fun to maybe come back over the years and get pictures of the kids in front of their tree. I hope it is something they won't forget.


Kylie said...

What a fun experience!! Your pictures are really clear--did you get a new camera??